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Matthew Shepard and James Byrd, Jr. Hate Crimes Program

FY25 Funding Available

Training & Technical Assistance

The Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA) has selected a team of training and technical assistance (TTA) providers to assist grantees and the field at large. This TTA will include ongoing coaching and communication as well as support for peer-to-peer dialogue and training, knowledge diffusion products, grantee learning communities, dissemination of best practices and lessons learned, and a listserv.

Funded by BJA, the Hate Crimes TTA Program provides tailored technical assistance, resources, and project management guidance to hate crimes-related award recipients and the field. The program works to enhance the capacities of state, local, and tribal law enforcement and prosecution agencies, their partners, and community-based organizations to develop and enhance strategies that foster strong collaborations, promote community awareness and preparedness, increase victim reporting, improve responses to hate crimes, and support the investigation and prosecution of hate crimes.

BJA National Training and Technical Assistance Center

Additionally, BJA’s National Training and Technical Assistance Center provides no-cost training and technical assistance on a wide variety of criminal justice topics to improve the knowledge and skills of criminal justice professionals. Agencies interested in receiving TTA can submit a TTA request through an online application.

Also, the Department of Justice’s (DOJ’s) Hate Crimes Enforcement and Prevention Initiative is charged with coordinating DOJ’s efforts to eradicate hate crimes in part by facilitating training, outreach, and education to law enforcement agencies and the public at the federal, state, local, and tribal levels. This work is collaborative and includes DOJ’s Civil Rights Division, the Community Relations Service, U.S. Attorneys’ Offices, the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the Office of Community Oriented Policing Services, and other program offices within the Office of Justice Programs.

Date Modified: August 20, 2024
Date Created: March 11, 2021