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An official website of the United States government, Department of Justice.

Law enforcement organizations

Byrne Criminal Justice Innovation (BCJI) Program

This program is a strategic approach to crime reduction that leverages community knowledge and expertise by focusing on community-led efforts, working with law enforcement and other local partners to support prevention and intervention efforts on neighborhoods where crime is concentrated or crime "hotspots."

VALOR Initiative Pilot puts Character at the Heart of New Resilience Training for Law Enforcement

The National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial in Washington, DC.

Positive reviews from Norfolk and Lincoln, part of ongoing BJA effort to address officer wellness

Character, gratitude, service: words many of us grew up with, were taught led to a life of meaning, to a life well-led. To the field of psychology, however, they've held little currency in recent years. The path to self-esteem, it has taught, lies in self-discovery, self-evaluation, lots of self-hyphens.



Funding First Awarded