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An official website of the United States government, Department of Justice.

Justice Reinvestment Initiative (JRI)

Justice Reinvestment Initiative: Maximizing State Reforms

Closing Date
Approximately 2.2 million people were incarcerated in federal, state, and local prisons and jails in 2014, a rate of 1 out of every 110 adults. Many prison populations remain near all-time high levels and face crowding or resource challenges, and state spending on corrections has remained high. Over the last 25 years, state corrections expenditures have increased exponentially from $12 billion in 1988 to more...

BJA FY 15 Justice Reinvestment Initiative: State-Level Technical Assistance

Closing Date
The FY 2015 Justice Reinvestment Initiative: State-Level Technical Assistance solicitation seeks technical assistance organizations to assist high-level state policy teams conduct data analysis to understand drivers of incarceration, to formulate policy responses to those drivers, and to design and implement the strategies to reduce incarceration costs and reinvest savings in evidence-based strategies to improve public safety.

BJA FY 15 Justice Reinvestment Initiative: Maximizing State Reforms

Closing Date
The FY 2015 Justice Reinvestment Initiative: Maximizing State Reforms Competitive Grant challenges units of state government and federally recognized Indian tribes to design and implement a strategy to further the goals of a state’s existing justice reinvestment reform efforts, including the commitment to data-driven decisio nmaking and investment in evidence-based practices and programs.