City of Richmond, VA State Criminal Alien Assistance Program
City of Richmond, VA State Criminal Alien Assistance Program
Prescription Drug Monitoring Program: Virginia State Profile (2021)
Strengthening of the Medical Examiner System in Virginia
Preparing, preventing and responding to Coronavirus for Norfolk VA Law Enforcement
Responding to the Opioid Crisis in Rural America: Judges and Sheriffs Workshop, Meeting Summary
VALOR Initiative Pilot puts Character at the Heart of New Resilience Training for Law Enforcement
Character, gratitude, service: words many of us grew up with, were taught led to a life of meaning, to a life well-led. To the field of psychology, however, they've held little currency in recent years. The path to self-esteem, it has taught, lies in self-discovery, self-evaluation, lots of self-hyphens.
They—those old words—may have some life left in them, it turns out.
A new resilience...