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Violent Crime Reduction Roadmap

Working Together to Build Safer Communities

Action 4. Engage key people with empathy and accountability.

Violent Crime Reduction Roadmap Action 4

Research indicates that effective strategies provide services and supports to those at the highest risk for violence, coupled with swift and certain sanctions if violent conduct continues. Leaders should aim to engage key high-risk individuals and groups with a balanced set of potential rewards and punishments.

The Department of Justice (DOJ) has resources to help jurisdictions engage high-risk populations, offer supports and services, and deploy targeted enforcement actions when necessary. Key resources are identified below, followed by links to additional resources. These same resources are also listed for Action 5, as DOJ resources are not easily divided into people- and place-based approaches.


Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA) National Training and Technical Assistance Center (NTTAC)

BJA NTTAC connects justice agencies with national experts to help reduce violent and drug-related crime. A specific Violence Reduction Response Center connects localities with resources to help address the work of identifying where and among whom violence is concentrating. Jurisdictions interested in implementing strategies outlined in the Roadmap may also contact NTTAC to request training and technical assistance (TTA) from the Police Executive Research Forum. In collaboration with BJA and a cadre of subject matter experts, PERF will coordinate no-cost TTA services designed to enhance jurisdictions’ capacity to reduce community gun violence and promote community trust.

Community Based Violence Intervention and Prevention Initiative (CVIPI)

The CVIPI provides funding to support evidence-based violence intervention and prevention programs. The CVIPI webpage provides access to a variety of resources for planning, implementing, supporting, and assessing community-based violence intervention and prevention efforts. CVIPI funding can support goal-setting, analysis, and planning activities. Communities can request technical assistance to support these efforts through the National CVIPI Resource Center.

Community Violence Intervention (CVI) Implementation Checklist

Developed with support from the Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA), the CVI Implementation Checklist captures background information about CVI efforts, CVI guiding principles, and details on specific steps to take when implementing CVI programs.

National Public Safety Partnership (PSP)

PSP is a network of communities who are committed to implementing evidence-informed approaches to reducing violence and enhancing public safety. It is a DOJ-wide program that connects communities with peers and experts to receive coordinated training and technical assistance. There are many resources available to all jurisdictions – including virtual training academies and published materials - through the Clearinghouse, including numerous resources supporting the identification of individuals and locations most at-risk of violence.

Project Safe Neighborhoods (PSN)

PSN is spearheaded by each U.S. Attorney’s Office, bringing together federal, state, local, and tribal law enforcement officials, community leaders, and other stakeholders to identify their most pressing violent crime problems and develop comprehensive solutions to address them. The PSN website includes training resources for all localities working to reduce violence, including a gun violence resource hub. Localities should connect with their United States Attorney’s Office to better understand these resources.

Smart Policing Initiative (SPI)

The SPI assists police agencies with identifying innovative and evidence-based solutions to effectively and efficiently tackle chronic crime problems in their jurisdictions. The SPI website also has publicly available resources including implementation guides, toolkits, survey guides, community engagement strategies, and problem-oriented policing tactics.

Byrne State Crisis Intervention Program (Byrne SCIP)

Byrne SCIP provides training and technical assistance and funding to support implementation of state crisis intervention court proceedings and related programs or initiatives, such as extreme risk protection order programs.

Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) Program

The JAG Program is a formula award administered to each state and territory, based on their population and violent crime. The award is divided between the state (60%) and direct to local (40%) units of government. JAG funding is administered by a state agency. JAG funds are extremely flexible in ways they can support violent crime reduction and can be used for planning and evaluation activities, and community engagement. Localities should contact their State Administering Agency or the National Criminal Justice Association.

National Centers of Excellence in Youth Violence Prevention

The mission of the Youth Violence Prevention Centers (YVPCs) is to research and prevent youth violence. YVPCs identify and test innovative violence prevention approaches. YVPCs also strengthen the use of effective prevention strategies in communities.

Transitioning Gang-Involved Youth to Higher Education Program (TGIY)

The purpose of the TGIY Program is to provide a funding opportunity for organizations that work directly with gang-involved youth to help such youth pursue higher education opportunities that will lead to certification or credentials.

Byrne Criminal Justice Innovation Training and Technical Assistance

This program supports data-driven, place-based, and community-oriented strategies to reduce crime, build partnerships and enhance trust. The available resources include research reports on effective uses of focused deterrence, group-based violence interventions, and community violence intervention programs.

Byrne State Crisis Intervention Program (Byrne SCIP)

Byrne SCIP provides training and technical assistance and funding to support implementation of state crisis intervention court proceedings and related programs or initiatives, such as extreme risk protection order programs.

Law Enforcement-Mental Health Learning Sites

Helps public safety personnel implement effective responses to people with mental health needs, including those police and other Council of State Governments Justice Center stakeholders frequently interact with.

National Centers of Excellence in Youth Violence Prevention

The mission of the Youth Violence Prevention Centers (YVPCs) is to research and prevent youth violence. YVPCs identify and test innovative violence prevention approaches. YVPCs also strengthen the use of effective prevention strategies in communities.

National Extreme Risk Protection Order Resource Center (ERC)

The ERC is a TTA hub designed to support states and localities with the implementation of their ERPO programs to reduce gun violence and save lives.

Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (OJJDP) National Gang Center (NGC)

The OJJDP NGC contains numerous resources to support communities that are working to prevent and reduce violence. The NGC provides both direct engagement and produced guidance assist localities where those people and places most at-risk of experiencing violence are involved in group-related violence.

OJJDP National Training and Technical Assistance Center

OJJDP provides TTA resources to address the needs of juvenile justice practitioners and support state and local efforts to build capacity and expand the use of evidence-based practices.

Project Safe Neighborhoods Training and Technical Assistance Program

BJA, in partnership with Michigan State University, the CNA Institute for Public Research, and the National Center for Victims of Crime, provides training and technical assistance in the implementation of Project Safe Neighborhoods.

VetoViolence Tools & Trainings

This Centers for Disease Control and Prevention center provides training and resources to strengthen the violence prevention toolkit of educators, policy makers, and public health professionals.

Assessing the Effects of Hot Spots Policing Strategies on Police Legitimacy, Crime, and Collective Efficacy

This study on policing strategies compares the impact of a police collaborative problem-solving approach, directed patrol, and standard policing on hot spots and resident opinions.

Assessing the Long-Term Impact of Focused Deterrence in New Orleans: A Documentation of Changes in Homicides and Firearm Recoveries

This research project examines the impact of the Group Violence Reduction Strategy in New Orleans.

BJA Violent Crime Reduction Summit Resource Center

Resources from the BJA Violent Crime Reduction Summit designed to offer insights and tools to jurisdictions in addressing violent crime that impacts their communities.

Cardiff Violence Prevention Model Toolkit

The Cardiff Violence Prevention Model provides a way for communities to gain a clearer picture about where violence is occurring by combining and mapping both hospital and police data on violence. It also provides a framework for hospitals, law enforcement agencies, public health agencies, community groups, and others interested in violence prevention to work together and develop collaborative violence prevention strategies.


CrimeSolutions.gov is a central, reliable resource to help practitioners and policymakers understand what works in justice-related programs and practices. It assists in practical decision making and program implementation by gathering information on specific justice-related programs and practices and reviewing the existing evaluation and meta-analysis research against standard criteria.

CrimeSolutions Program Profile: Comprehensive Anti-Gang Initiative (CAGI)

A crime-focused initiative, designed to address gang-related gun homicides in selected cities, CAGI was implemented in 12 select cities in response to increasing gang prevalence across the country. The main purpose of CAGI was to prevent and reduce gang-related crime. The initiative involved a comprehensive model of suppression (enforcement), prevention, and reentry. The program is rated Promising; there was a significant reduction in gun homicides related to gang crime in cities that implemented the initiative. 

Deterring and Reducing Opportunities for Violence in Hot Spots

This webinar provides insights on how to understand and address violence connected to hot spots.

The Fight Against Rampant Gun Violence

This article by National Institute of Justice (NIJ) staff provides an overview of the evidence from NIJ-funded research on gun violence and prevention.

Five Things About Deterrence

This fact sheet summarizes evidence around deterrence with specific research reports.

Innovative Community Engagement Strategies for Community-Based Crime Reduction

This webinar provides information on innovative community engagement strategies for community-based violence reduction efforts (free registration required). The webinar includes lessons learned from the Newark Community Street Team and their work to reach communities during COVID-19 conditions.

Interrupting the Cycle of Violence: Insights from the Urban Institute's Research-based practice Guidance to Reduce Youth Gun and Gang/Group Violence

This webinar summarizes the evidence on reducing youth gang and group violence and its implications for practice.

Paving the Way for Project Safe Neighborhoods: SACSI in 10 US Cities (PDF, 353 KB)

The Department of Justice launched the Strategic Approaches to Community Safety Initiative (SACSI) to test data-driven intervention strategies for targeted homicide, youth violence, firearm violence in 9 cities and rape and sexual assault in 1 city. The study found that the SACSI approach, when implemented effectively, is associated with reductions in targeted violent crimes, sometimes by as much as 50 percent. This report highlights the key elements that led to success of SACSI, such as leadership provided by the U.S. Attorney’s Office, the integration of research into planning and intervention strategies, collaborative strategic planning, and implementation of various intervention strategies.

Project Safe Neighborhoods Blueprint for Success (PDF, 4.3 MB)

This BJA resource provides background information about the DOJ initiative Project Safe Neighborhoods (PSN), how to build a strong PSN initiative, including the use of data and evidence, key design elements, and training and technical assistance services available.  This report also identifies and describes the implementation of the various PSN features linked to its effective performance.

PSP Guide to Social Network Analysis

Social Network Analysis is a tool frequently used by law enforcement to visualize relationships into social structures to be shared as intelligence to better inform crime prevention and intervention efforts.

Smart Policing – New Findings

This webinar describes the overarching findings and lessons learned since the inception of the Smart Policing Initiative (SPI), as it relates to the use of various Smart Policing strategies (e.g., person-based, place-based, organizational change, predictive analytics, technology) to address a variety of crime problems (gun violence, gangs, property crime, homicides, domestic violence and more).

Smart Policing - Understanding and Responding to Crime and Disorder Hot Spots POP Guide

This guide highlights hot spots policing, which is sometimes referred to as place-based policing. It is highly compatible with problem-oriented policing and the scanning, analysis, response and assessment model. This guide uses the SARA model as a framework to discuss the process of understanding and responding to hot spots.

Smart Policing – Successful Strategies to Reduce Gun Violence

This webinar focuses on the use of strategies and crime intelligence to target gun-related violence, highlighting SPI sites successfully addressing this issue through a focus on individuals at-risk of experiencing violence.

Understanding Socio-environmental and Physical Risk Factors Influencing Firearm Violence

This project studies the interaction among built-environment features, socioeconomic traits, and firearm violence, so law enforcement and planners can consider ways to prevent firearm violence.

VetoViolence Tools & Trainings

This Centers for Disease Control and Prevention center provides training and resources to strengthen the violence prevention toolkit of educators, policy makers, and public health professionals.

Violence Prevention: Funded Research

The Division of Violence Prevention publishes research on the factors that put people at risk or protect them from violence, creates and evaluates the effectiveness of prevention strategies, and examines how to adopt and disseminate prevention strategies.

Violent Crime Reduction Operations Guide (PDF, 5.2 MB)

This BJA-sponsored, practitioner-focused guide outlines actions and activities that have contributed to successful crime-fighting strategies throughout the country. This guide complements existing conversations and offers a unique “for the field, by the field” perspective that combines best practices and research to assist law enforcement executives in assessing capacity and strategic planning.

Youth Violence Prevention Resource for Action (PDF, 4.2 MB)

This resource was developed to help communities take advantage of the best available evidence to prevent youth violence. This resource is available in English and Spanish and can impact individual behaviors and the relationship, family, school, community, and societal factors that influence the risk and protective factors for violence.

Date Modified: August 26, 2024
Date Created: August 8, 2024