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Ogden School District STOP School Violence (OSTOP)

Award Information

Award #
Funding Category
Competitive Discretionary
Congressional District
Funding First Awarded
Total funding (to date)

Description of original award (Fiscal Year 2024, $999,970)

Ogden School District, located in Utah, proposes to implement Ogden STOP School Violence Project (OSTOP). OSTOP focuses on providing International Institute for Restorative Practices training to school-based staff and administrators to equip them with the skills to facilitate Restorative Conferences and to interact with all students in a way that fosters an equitable and positive school culture. The project also includes Check & Connect (C&C) training and mentoring. C&C focuses on student engagement and academic success, while also playing a significant role in reducing school violence. OSTOP includes three project objectives, each identifying an expected project outcome: train school personnel and educate students on preventing student violence against others and themselves; hire personnel to improve school climate and positive responses to student behavior; and improve school climate (i.e., decrease out of-school suspension, students who feel unsafe at school, chronic absenteeism). The project includes the Utah State Board of Education for C&C training; Comprehensive School Threat Assessment Guidelines (CSTAG) for threat assessment software; and Spectrum Research, Evaluation and Development for data collection support and project evaluation.

Date Created: November 8, 2024