Project Safe Neighborhoods Training Part 2 of 2: Subrecipient Reporting
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This training provides information on Project Safe Neighborhood Program performance reporting requirements and an overview of completing reporting in the Performance Measurement Tool. Also available:
- [Angie] Hello. Welcome to the Project Safe Neighborhoods performance reporting training, part two of two: How and When to Complete Subrecipient Reporting. My name's Angie Balchi, and I'm an analyst on BJA's Planning, Performance, and Impact team. I want to introduce Lauren Troy, Grant Manager for the PSN program, to provide opening remarks.
- [Lauren] Thank you all for attending our training today on the Project Safe Neighborhoods, or PSN, Performance Measures. Our goal today is to provide you with some tips on how to report in the Performance Measurement Tool for the PSN program. I want to stress that we place great value on the information you report in the PMT. The better information we receive, the better we can tell the story of the important work that takes place in the PSN program, which helps ensure future funding and informs program oversight, which is crucial to continued success. I'm now going to turn it back over to the team, who will begin the presentation, and thank you again for joining us today.
- [Angie] Today is specifically designed, again, for BJA's Project Safe Neighborhood grantees, and we will cover various topics related to PSN reporting in the Performance Measurement Tool, or PMT, including subrecipient reporting, and PMT report submission in the JustGrants system. We will also share resources and contact information to assist you as you are preparing to report. Performance Measurement Tool is the online legacy reporting system for BJA and other OJP components. All of our reporting will eventually move to the Justice Grants or JustGrants system. However, PSN grantees still report in the PMT until further notice. PMT grantees are responsible for reporting grant activity into the PMT quarterly, January, April, July, and October. For access to PMT, please follow the link on the screen. If you are a first-time user, or your account is inactive, please contact the PMT Helpdesk for assistance. Additional reporting resources can be found on BJA's performance management website. The link is also provided on this slide. The report is generated in the PMT. PSN Grantees are responsible for uploading the report into JustGrants twice each year, in January and July. The JustGrants team has developed a training that provides a step-by-step for overview of the process. The link can be found on the screen. JustGrants is a completely separate system, managed by a different team. We encourage you to reach out to the JustGrants support team for any issues or questions related to the JustGrants system. Their phone number and email are provided on the screen. When to report? This table outlines the type of data you'll be required to report each reporting period, when your reports are due in are due in the PMT, and when you need to upload your reports to JustGrants. As you see from the alternating values under the second column, you only report on the narrative questions in January, July, and your last reporting period of grant activity, regardless of where that falls on the schedule. This is only open for data during the month after the reporting period closes. PMT is accessible year round for you to review, edit data, generate reports and others, but you will need to contact the PMT Helpdesk to unlock previously submitted reports. Other data entry is only available for the month following the close of a reporting period. Reporting opens the first business date in a reporting month. If you need to edit data outside of the scheduled due dates, again, please contact the PMT Helpdesk. Please note reports are due 30 days after the end of a reporting period. Prime Grantees and Subrecipient Roles and Responsibilities. Prime guarantees are responsible for managing their subrecipients, communicating with their subrecipients about reporting requirements, ensuring the quality of subrecipient data, and are also responsible for setting up and managing subrecipient accounts data reports. For more information on roles and responsibilities, please follow the link on the screen. I will walk you through how to add a subrecipient once you log into the PMT. Locate the "Federal Awards" tab at the top of the page. The awards page provides a list of all grantee awards for multiple programs, if applicable. Do not select the "Manage Subrecipient" tab. Find the grant award you want to add subrecipients under and select "Begin Reporting Process." Once you begin reporting process, on the "Federal Awards" page, you'll be brought to the "Award Administration" page; depending on whether this is your first time reporting, and your award has subrecipients, you will see this page. You will only answer this question the first time reporting. This site is tied to funding. The purpose of this page is to tell the system how funds are administered. You can see our three options. First option. If only the subrecipient uses the grant dollars, then they will be the only ones reporting in the PMT for this award. That even if the prime grantee selects this option all grantee funds are subawarded to subrecipients. The prime recipient is still responsible for reporting semiannual narrative questions. Please refer to part one of two of the training for more information on best practices for semiannual narrative reporting as a prime grantee. When reporting prime grantee narrative goals and objectives, you should be reviewing and summarizing subrecipient narrative responses to provide a holistic narrative for the grant award. If both the prime grantee and the subrecipient receive and use funds to provide services or programs, then both will be required to report in the PMT. Please note that all three options do not include the allowable 10 percent administrative costs that can be used by the prime recipient. Prime grantees with subrecipients will either select option one or option three, then select "Continue." The version of the PSN report is the "Award Administration" tab. The PMT will ask whether this is the last time reporting for the award. Only select "Yes" if all of your grant funds have been expended and your project activities are complete. This will generate a final report for your award. The next tab of the PMT report asks whether you had grant activity during the reporting period. If there was no grant activity, select "No" and select from the following reasons for no grant activity. Note that once you select "Yes" for "Was there grant activity during the reporting period?" the program becomes operational and should remain so until the grant closes out. This is true even if the prime recipient's fiscal agents did not conduct activity during the reporting period, but your subrecipients of the award is still active. I'm going to hand it over to Liz Payne to continue discussing PMT subrecipient reporting and account creation.
- [Elizabeth] Now that there are subawards under the primary federal BJA award, this new homepage will appear. Once you have selected the correct award, select "Add a Subrecipient" to add subrecipients individually or use the option to add multiple subrecipients at the same time by using a bulk upload Excel template. Before you add a new subrecipient, make sure the subrecipient doesn't already exist, do not create multiple profiles for the same subrecipient. If the recipient already exists, select "Add a Subaward" to update the subrecipients profile with general subawards. If the recipient doesn't already exist, add them by entering the new subrecipient's organization, name, prime contact name, email, and phone number and then click "Create New Subrecipient." After entering a subrecipient, enter the subrecipient's subaward number. This helps you identify the subaward. For example, this would be a unique ID that you use in your own financial reporting system for tracking and accounting purposes. The "Project Period" or the subaward's end date is based on when the subaward will be active, and will have data to report, and a subaward amount which must be less than or equal to the federal award amount. Please pay close attention to the project period date. This defaults to the period of the federal award, but often, the subaward may not be active during the entire life of the federal award. Your prime grantee can set these dates to let the system know when the subaward will be active and required to submit a quarterly report page. If you see a message that says it "must be entered by subrecipient" the subrecipient has accessed the system, started to enter data, and they must continue to complete data entry. If you view and edit the data for this record, you can add yourself as a user to the subrecipient's account. It really depends on the data entry status. It tracks who has access to each user profile and account to ensure data validity and maintains system security. If you are entering data on behalf of the subrecipient, under your prime grantee user account, select the subrecipient, and click "Enter/Edit Data," if you need your subrecipients. to access the PMT, to enter their own data, you need to create the subrecipient users. To do so, click to the "Manage Subrecipients" page on the navigation toolbar, click on "Manage Users" to add new users to the subrecipient account, and this column will let you know all the users that are associated with the account. On the subrecipient's page, you can also edit the subrecipient organization information and add subawards If you want subrecipients to access the PMT to enter their own data, you will need to create the subrecipient users. Click "Add New Users." You will see this new user form where you enter the user's first and last name and their email address. Doing so will automatically send this person an email with a link to the PMT and instructions to complete registration, access to the PMT, and their profile. Here you will review and accept your subrecipients data reports; it's an example of a typical report homepage that includes access to activity as well as several subrecipients. There, you will check on a status of your subrecipient's data. The subrecipient's entry status will change once they have completed their reporting. As you'll see, here, they are "Not Started." Meaning, the subrecipient has not entered any data or the subrecipient has begun entering data but has not completed data entry. "Complete" means that all data has been reported or it's the project period end date, which means the subrecipient is not required to report during this reporting period. If the subrecipient has a complete data entry status you can view the reported data by clicking on "Review Data." When you review the subrecipient's data, and there are revisions that need to be made, you do one of two things. You can send data back to the subrecipients so they can make the revisions or you can edit the data yourself as the grantor. As the prime grantee, you are responsible for the quality of your subrecipient's data. If it's a small edit, and you know the answer, it may be easier for you to edit the report yourself. If there are ever revisions needed, it may be more efficient to send it back to the subrecipient for them to make change changes. If you do not see the "Send for Revisions" button, it's because the subrecipients data entry status is either "Not Started" or "In Progress." So, subrecipients can change their own data, click "Send Revisions" to unlock the report, giving the entry access back to the subrecipient. Enter an explanation of what changes are needed and click "Send." Make sure you are clear in your explanation about what changes need to be made and the deadline for getting the report back to you. The recipient will receive an email that says, "Your question has been unlocked in the BJA PMT. Log in to revise and resubmit your data." They'll also see the message that you wrote. ummary page. The subrecipient's entry status now reads "In Progress." The subrecipient will remain "In Progress" until the subrecipient makes the necessary revisions and marks the data as "Complete" again by resubmitting it back to you for review. So, in the questionnaire, you will see a review tab. If you see this section, scroll down to the bottom of the page. It will be after all the performance measure questions. This will not appear on the review page until all of the data has been entered. If you don't see the marked data entry as complete options, this means there are unanswered questions and you'll need to go back and answer them. Once you turn in all data, select "Marked Data Entry" as "Complete" and click "Save." Once your reports are completed, you can export and create a PDF of the report. On the "Federal Awards" page, select "Create JustGrants Report" for reporting period that states "Reminder: Upload this JustGrants report into JustGrants." This term shows up every 6 months during the April to June and October to December reporting periods only. This will date a semiannual report that automatically populates the previous quarter's data. For the semiannual report, past and current reports should be "Complete." In the example, you will see the different statuses you may see to help identify what may be missing. On the report page, you'll see at the top it indicates two report periods of data that are represented. Click "Export to PDF" and save the file to your computer. You only need to attach one PMT, PDF report to JustGrants. Then the system goes to the Performance Report page of your grant award. Add any relevant comments in the comments fields, and in the attachment section, select "Upload" to upload the semiannual PMT, PDF report that you just saved. You should only need to attach one PMT, PDF report in JustGrants. Check the report dates in the PMT, PDF report to match the report period dates in the performance report that you are submitting in JustGrants. Selecting "Save" will not submit your report. Once the report is in, it will be routed to the grant manager for review. Back to and Angie, who will go over resources that helped us collect information and closing remarks.
- [Angie] You will find links to additional resources to assist you in your reporting process on this slide including the PSN Performance Measure Questionnaire, best practices and imaging, subgrantee reporting in the PMT, and step-by-step instructions to attach and submit your PMT report in JustGrants. To access JustGrants, grantees must log into JustGrants. For inquiries, please contact their information provided. This slide includes an email along with a phone number. Our BJA PMT Helpdesk contact information and another list of available resources that can provide you additional information as needed. Our hours are Monday through Friday 8:30 AM to 5:00 PM Eastern time except for holidays. We should return every email within 24 hours so please don't hesitate to reach out even after business hours. Subgrantees should direct all of their questions about their awards to you, the prime recipient, before reaching out to the PMT Helpdesk. The PMT Helpdesk has limited availability to help subgrantees outside of creating or unlocking accounts. If there are specific questions about your subawards, please contact your state policy advisor or manager. I want to announce some additional resources we have available to assist you as you report your grant activity BJA Performance Measure webpage contains foundational information about performance reporting at BJA, including links to the PMT and the JustGrants reporting system. Finally, you can find the BJA YouTube and multimedia page. You can also find your program's performance measures and any training videos. On behalf of BJA Planning, Performance, and Impact team, thank you for time, dedication, and hard work on performance reporting. That concludes the presentation. Thank you.
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