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Border Patrol Agents Brian Terry (Deceased), Gabriel Fragoza, Timothy Keller, and William Castano, U.S. Border Patrol, Arizona

Law Enforcement Congressional Badge of Bravery

On December 14, 2010, Border Patrol Agents William Castano, Gabriel Fragoza, Timothy Keller, and Brian Terry demonstrated extreme bravery while facing a lethal threat from a superior number of armed subjects suspected of trafficking drugs in the area. All four agents were operating as members of a small four-man rural assault element tasked with interdicting armed suspects operating west of the town of Rio Rico, Arizona.

This four-man element had occupied a remote interdiction site consisting of rugged, steep, and difficult terrain for a period of 48 hours without relief. At approximately 11:00 p.m. the team was alerted to at least five suspects moving into the interdiction zone. Without regard for individual safety, the small team maneuvered into a position to interdict and apprehend the five individuals passing directly in front of them. As the agents identified themselves, suddenly and without warning, the subjects opened fire on them. Placing themselves at great risk of serious physical injury or death, all four agents bravely stood their ground in an attempt to provide vital protection for their teammates.

During the short and horrific gun battle, Agent Brian Terry sustained a fatal injury. Realizing that Agent Terry had been injured, the team, without hesitation, continued to selflessly place themselves in harm’s way by attempting to provide life saving techniques for Agent Terry and providing perimeter security preventing the assailants from maneuvering on their position. One of the suspects was wounded during the incident and was ultimately taken into custody. Border Patrol Agents William Castano, Gabriel Fragoza, Timothy Keller, and Brian Terry’s selfless sacrifice and dedication to the Border Patrol mission and their fellow teammates is exemplary of actions above and beyond the call of duty.