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An official website of the United States government, Department of Justice.


An Innovative Approach to Detect and Mitigate COVID-19 in New York State Local Jails

May 2023
During this April 2023 webinar, BJA personnel and project staff at CDMCF hosted the New York State Sheriffs’ Association who presented on implementing a comprehensive approach to the detection and mitigation of COVID-19 in confinement facilities, which includes clean air, clean surfaces, cleaning management standards, building occupancy/limitations, and a technology infrastructure to enable customized, automatic, and regular alerts based on real-time data.

Detection and Mitigation of COVID-19 in Confinement Facilities: Introductory Webinar for Confinement Facilities

February 2023
During this January 2023 webinar, BJA personnel and project staff at CNA provided an overview of the COVID-19 Detection and Mitigation in Confinement Facilities program, highlighted training and technical assistance services available and how recipients can access support, and held a discussion on best practices and lessons learned.

Detection and Mitigation of COVID-19 in Confinement Facilities Award Updates

September 2022
During this September 2022 webinar, Bureau of Justice Assistance and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention personnel provided information about Detection and Mitigation of COVID-19 in Confinement Facilities program funding goals and allowable uses of funding. The webinar continued with panel discussions featuring recipients from Washington, California, and Minnesota.

Over $83 Million Awarded to Five States and the District of Columbia to Address COVID-19 Pandemic

The Office of Justice Programs has posted a press release which highlights recent grants awarded to states and the District of Columbia through BJA's Coronavirus Emergency Supplemental Funding (CESF) Program. The grantees highlighted are:

  • California Board of State and Community Corrections: $58,518,568
  • District of Columbia Office of Victim Services and Justice Grants: $5,999,524
  • Maine Department of Public Safety: $3,266,879
  • Mississippi Department of Public Safety: $5,531,638
  • Oregon Criminal Justice Commission: $6,811,383...

Nearly $500,000 Awarded to Navajo Nation to Address COVID-19 Pandemic

The Office of Justice Programs has posted a press release which highlights the recent award of $486,348 to the Navajo Nation to address the public safety challenges posed by the outbreak of COVID-19. Funding is made available through BJA's Coronavirus Emergency Supplemental Funding (CESF) Program.

The Navajo reservation, which covers a territory larger than the state of West Virginia, has one of the highest per capita...

Honoring Public Safety Officers

This BJA blog post highlights BJA's commitment to providing programs and support to help officers and their families during National Police Week and throughout the year.

$77 Million Awarded to Seven States, One Territory to Address COVID-19 Pandemic

The Office of Justice Programs has posted a press release which highlights recent grants awarded through BJA's Coronavirus Emergency Supplemental Funding (CESF) Program. The grantees highlighted are:

  • Illinois Criminal Justice Information Authority: $19,956,148
  • Executive Office of the State of Kansas: $6,061,106
  • Montana Board of Crime Control: $3,457,033
  • Ohio Office of Criminal Justice Services: $15,954,497
  • Oklahoma District Attorneys Council: $7,752,847
  • Pennsylvania Commission on Crime and Delinquency: $17,628,002
  • South Dakota Office of the...