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New Research on Body-Worn Cameras

May 2015

This video captures the presentations of several speakers. Jennifer Wood, Associate Professor at Temple University, presents key findings from a pilot evaluation of the Philadelphia Police Department's use of body-worn cameras (BWC) in one of the districts. During his presentation, Michael White, Professor at Arizona State University, focuses on available BWC resources and research. And, Daniel Lawrence from the Urban Institute spoke about the Institute's evaluation of BWC.

Episode 60: Research Spotlight – GMU’s Center of Evidence Based Policing (Part 2)

January 2017
Todd Maxwell with the Bureau of Justice Assistance’s Body Worn Camera Team, interviews George Mason University’s Dr. Cynthia Lum to discuss the Center of Evidence Based Policing’s recent papers on prosecutors perceptions of BWCS and a research based examination of the President’s Task Force on 21st Century Policing recommendations. Dr. Lum talks about research based recommendations, areas for more research and recommendations on implementing BWCs.

Episode 59: Research Spotlight – GMU’s Center of Evidence Based Policing (Part 1)

January 2017
Todd Maxwell with the Bureau of Justice Assistance’s Body Worn Camera Team, interviews George Mason University’s Dr. Cynthia Lum to discuss the Center of Evidence Based Policing’s recent papers on prosecutors perceptions of BWCS and a research based examination of the President’s Task Force on 21st Century Policing recommendations. Dr. Lum talks about research based recommendations, areas for more research and recommendations on implementing BWCs.

Episode 52: Anniversary Spotlight on the BJA BWC Team (Part 2)

October 2016
The BWC Technical and Training Assistance’s Dr. Chip Coldren interviews BJA’s Senior Policy Advisor Mike Roosa, ASU’s Dr. Michael White, Booz Allen Hamilton’s Todd Maxwell who are all part of BJA’s Body Worn Camera team to discuss solicitations, funding, research, the toolkit, technical and training assistance, the podcast series and other efforts supporting law enforcement and the justice community around BWCs.

Episode 46: BJA SMART Policing Initiative Spotlight – A look into the research at Phoenix PD, AZ

September 2016
Mike Roosa, Senior Policy Advisor for the Bureau of Justice Assistance interviews Phoenix Police Department’s Sergeant Kevin Johnson and Arizona State University’s Dr. Charles Katz to discuss their departments deployment of body cameras in 2013 as part of BJA’s SMART Policing Initiative grant to evaluate body worn camera technology. The group discusses lessons learned and progress of their program along with the research around the program. Dr. Katz and Phoenix PD were part of the BJA Expert Panel on Body Worn Cameras that helped form the BJA National Body-Worn Camera Toolkit.

Episode 42: BWC Research Spotlight – Milwaukee PD, WI

August 2016
Todd Maxwell, part of the Bureau of Justice Assistances Body-Worn Camera team, interviews Milwaukee Police Department’s Sgt. Doug Wiorek and Research Associate Bryce Peterson from the Urban Institute’s Justice Policy Center to discuss Milwaukee Police Department’s BWC research program. The two discuss the reasons for the research, the program itself and potential use of the research outcomes.

Episode 34: BWC Pilot Program Spotlight - Philadelphia PD

June 2016
Chip Coldren from BJA’s Body-Worn Camera Training and Technical Assistance Team interviews Philadelphia Police Department’s Chief Inspector Michael Cochrance and Sergeant Jay Bown along with Public Safety Program Manager Mike Vidro from the City’s Office of Innovation and Technology and from Temple University Dr. Elizabeth Groff and Jennifer Wood. The group discusses the Body-Worn Camera Pilot Program at Philadelphia PD along with the research conducted by Temple University.

Episode 32: Research Spotlight – Tempe PD

May 2016
Michael Roosa, Senior Policy Advisor for the Bureau of Justice Assistance’s Body-Worn Camera Team interviews Tempe PD’s Assistant Chief Brenda Buren and Arizona State University’s Dr. Michael White to discuss the digital evidence study being conducted at Tempe. They will give an overview of the project along with discussing what they hope to learn and how they plan to use the information learned from the study to improve police work around BWCs. Dr. White were part of the BJA Expert Panel on Body Worn Cameras that helped form the BJA National Body-Worn Camera Toolkit.

Episode 31: Research Spotlight – LAPD (Part 2)

May 2016
Todd Maxwell from BJA’s Body-Worn Camera Team interviews LAPD’s CIO Maggie Goodrich and Sgt. Dan Gomez along with Dr. Craig Uchida from Justice and Security Strategies to discuss the study being conducted at LAPD with JSS and UCLA. They will give an overview of the project along with discussing what they hope to learn and how they plan to use the information learned from the study to improve police work around BWCs. Maggie Goodrich, Dan Gomez and Dr. Craig Uchida were part of the BJA Expert Panel on Body Worn Cameras that helped form the BJA National Body-Worn Camera Toolkit. 

Episode 30: Research Spotlight – LAPD (Part 1)

May 2016
Todd Maxwell from BJA’s Body-Worn Camera Team interviews LAPD’s CIO Maggie Goodrich and Sgt. Dan Gomez along with Dr. Craig Uchida from Justice and Security Strategies to discuss the study being conducted at LAPD with JSS and UCLA. They will give an overview of the project along with discussing what they hope to learn and how they plan to use the information learned from the study to improve police work around BWCs. Dan Gomez and Dr. Craig Uchida were part of the BJA Expert Panel on Body Worn Cameras that helped form the BJA National Body-Worn Camera Toolkit.

Episode 29: Research Spotlight - Oakland PD

May 2016
Todd Maxwell from BJA’s Body-Worn Camera Team interviews Oakland Police Department’s Assistant Chief Paul Figueroa to discuss the study Stanford University is doing in collaboration with his police department. He will give an overview of the project along with discussing what they hope to learn and how they plan to use the information learned from the study to improve police accountability and community relations. Oakland PD was part of the BJA Expert Panel on Body Worn Cameras that helped form the BJA National Body-Worn Camera Toolkit. 

Episode 25: Research Spotlight – Dallas PD

April 2016
Todd Maxwell from BJA’s Body-Worn Camera Team interviews Dr. Melinda Schlager from the Caruth Police Institute along with Deputy Chief Andy Acord and Deputy Chief Paul Stokes of the Dallas Police Department to discuss their on-going BWC study. The group gives an overview of the study and examines the reasoning behind the study along with looking forward to potential outcomes and strategies from the lessons learned.

Episode 22: Research Spotlight – Las Vegas MPD (Part 2)

March 2016
Todd Maxwell from BJA’s Body-Worn Camera Team interviews Lt. Zehnder from Las Vegas Metro PD and Dr. Chip Coldren from CNA to discuss the ongoing research of the BWC pilot program with UNLV that was funded by the National Institute of Justice (NIJ). The study is a multi-year study that examines the implementation and impact of BWCs on a large police agency. Lt. Zehnder contributed to the BJA Expert Panel on Body Worn Cameras that helped form the BJA National Body-Worn Camera Toolkit and Dr. Coldren leads BJA’s BWC Training and Technical Assistance Program.

Episode 20: Research Spotlight - Miami Beach PD (Part 2)

March 2016
This is a follow-up to last week’s podcast due to extenuating circumstances that prevented Dr. Ariel from joining. Todd Maxwell from BJA’s Body-Worn Camera Team interviews University of Cambridge’s Dr. Barak Ariel to discuss his team’s research on BWCs at Miami Beach PD. Dr. Ariel contributed to the BJA Expert Panel on Body Worn Cameras that helped form the BJA National Body-Worn Camera Toolkit.

'Looking backwards can tell us a whole lot about moving forward'

Cleveland suspect
Photo credit: Cleveland.com

When Cuyahoga County, Ohio, embarked on the testing of nearly 7,000 backlogged sexual assault kits (SAKs) in early 2013, metaphors from Greek and Roman mythology abounded in the Cleveland media coverage – 'Herculean task' and 'Pandora's box' chief among them.

Five years on, now that the backlog has been largely cleared, the sense of dread associated with those words has been replaced by one of...