The Butte County Sheriff’s Office Path to Accreditation
Officer Safety and Wellness (OSW) Group Meeting Summary: Officer Deaths and Injuries from Gunfire
Prosecutor-Led Youthful Offender Diversion Court Models
Prosecutor-Led Diversion: A National Survey
The Benefits of Electronic Discovery: Case Study
Prosecutorial Diversion Literature Review - Bibliography
PSP Case Studies - Jackson, Mississippi
PSP Case Studies - Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Identifying Those Who Served - Modeling Potential Participant Identification in Veterans Treatment Courts
New Research on Body-Worn Cameras
This video captures the presentations of several speakers. Jennifer Wood, Associate Professor at Temple University, presents key findings from a pilot evaluation of the Philadelphia Police Department's use of body-worn cameras (BWC) in one of the districts. During his presentation, Michael White, Professor at Arizona State University, focuses on available BWC resources and research. And, Daniel Lawrence from the Urban Institute spoke about the Institute's evaluation of BWC.
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Body-Worn Camera Pilot Implementation Program: Introduction to Training and Technical Assistance
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