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Tribal police

Tribal Justice

Discover funding opportunities and awards, program details, recent news and resource releases, trainings and toolkits, and videos related to tribal justice.

Episode 68: BWC Spotlight on Little Traverse Bay Bands of Odawa Indians Tribal Police Department

January 2018
Elliot Harkavy, Technology Advisor for the Bureau of Justice Assistance's Body-Worn Camera Technical Assistance Program, interviews Dawn Parkey of the Little Traverse Bay Bands of Odawa Indians Tribal Police Department to discuss the department's lessons learned from implementing its BWC program. Ms. Parkey discusses topics like community outreach, coordination with other federal, state, and local law enforcement, coordination with tribal, federal, and state prosecutors, vendor and storage selections tips, and tribal law enforcement experiences.

Episode 24: Tribal Perspective – Suquamish Tribal PD

April 2016
Todd Maxwell from BJA’s Body-Worn Camera Team interviews Chief Lasnier of the Suquamish Tribal Police in Washington state to discuss his experiences and lessons learned from the perspective of a tribal police agency. The discussion explores the challenges around funding to the multi-level jurisdiction/responsibilities of tribal officers.