The 2011 NIEM National Training Event webcasts are located at this link - http://register.mediasite.com/?nd=login&setsite=39. A login is required.
The attached file provides a list of federal agencies and their NIEM adoption plans as of July 2012.
A publication by ANSI/NIST may be used as an example for referencing NIEM. This standard was created to support the interchange of biometric data. See http://www.nist.gov/customcf/get_pdf.cfm?pub_id=910136 for more details.
For more information regarding NIEM and how you can get involved in the NIEM Community see here - https://www.niem.gov/aboutniem/Pages/how-do-i-get-started.aspx.
NIEM webinars are a convenient way to help you learn more about using NIEM, from general concepts and tools to in-depth technical specifications. Whether you're completely new to NIEM or simply want to hone your skills, you'll find the webinar that's right for you.
Webinars contain videos that will show you how to learn about a variety of useful NIEM tools, including:
NIEM Wayfarer
NIEM Extension Wizard
NIEM Conformance Tool
And more!
For more information regarding NIEM Webinars see here - https://www.niem.gov/training/Pages/webinars.aspx.
The IC-ISM XML Schemas will not be included as part of the NIEM 3.0 release. Instead, each of the NIEM structures base types (ObjectType, AssociationType, AugmentationType, and MetadataType, as well as SimpleObjectAttributeGroup) incorporates an anyAttributes element as part of its definition. This wildcard allows any attributes to appear that have the IC-ISM namespace, as well as those having the IC-NTK namespace. This is in line with the recommendations of the developer of the IC Trusted Data Framework, and should support ISM, NTK, and the TDF. Developers that need schemas for these namespaces should download them from an authoritative source.
JSON is nothing more than a rendering and fully supported by libraries such as the Apache Java XML2JSON library we are using - bi-directional seamless transforms. There is nothing need to do here. NIEM does JSON, and JSON does NIEM, and its completely interchangeable. CAM demonstrates that as a reference implementation and anyone else can easily do this too.
CAM Reference Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CeDbY0FSX3Y&list=UUHGjVfq4Rm-CC2ClFS2cD6w
For any submissions of wantlist's that do not load or receive an error message, please debug as follows:
1. Ensure the wantlist is a well-formed XML file!!! (use an editor that will check that)
2. Globally remove all cardinality constraints ‘minOccurs=”0” maxOccurs=”unbounded”’ and reload.
3. If wantlist still doesn't load: then globally remove 0,1 cardinality constraints and reload.
4. If wantlist still doesn't load: then globally remove the rest of the cardinality constraints and reload.
5. Do NOT reinsert cardinality constraints for the remaining steps.
6. If wantlist still doesn't load: then validate the wantlist against the correct NIEM wantlist schema.
7. Check that the headers are correct.
8. Ensure the namespaces for components in the wantlist are correct.
9. If wantlist still doesn't load: start a logarithmic decomposition and test each piece until you zero in on the bad component(s).
a. Split the wantlist in half - 2 files, each with the original headers.
b. Load each; if one loads and the other does not, then split the wantlist that does not load, put the other aside as good.
c. If both lists do not load then there is an error in both. Treat each list as another wantlist and split/load.
d. Continue this recursion until you identify the component lines that are incorrect, and remove or correct them.
10. If this still fails, then send a copy of the wantlist to the NISS Helpdesk and tell us when and how it was created (SSGT? another tool? If so, what tool? manually?)
In 2.1, EVERY schema that is NIEM-conformant MUST declare itself such with an i:ConformantIndicator.
Otherwise, the ConTesA ignores the schema and will NOT apply any conformance rules
because it does not recognize the schema as NIEM-conformant.
Here is an example for an exchange schema that should be immediately below the Schema element:
<xsd:documentation>exchange schema</xsd:documentation>
This should also be applied to conformant extension schemas as well. User should see the subset schemas – each one contains such an annotation. Note that once these have been inserted, ConTesA will apply other conformance Rules tailored to the schemas to determine what they are (reference, extension, exchange). There will likely be other auto rule failures at that point that had not appeared earlier because no rules are applied to schemas that are assumed to be non-conforming
(because they do not declare conformance with i:ConformantIndicator = TRUE). (a few namespace import issues will likely appear – these will need to be fixed as well)
The NIEM Migration Assistance Tool is an easy tool for you to migrate your current wantlist to the lastest version. The Migration Tool is a tool that allows you to upload your wantlist file that you find in an IEPD, and generate the ouputs for you in just a click of a button. The outputs should include a new migration wantlist, a new subset, and a migration report that indicate the status of that migration resolution.
Here are the supported levels of the tool:
NIEM 3.0 conversion to NIEM 3.0-with-domain-updates
NIEM 2.1-with-domain-updates conversion to NIEM 3.0
NIEM 2.1 to NIEM 2.1-with-domain-updates conversion
NIEM 2.0 to NIEM 2.1 conversion
NIEM 1.0 to NIEM 2.0 conversion
GJXDM 3.0.3 to NIEM 2.0 wantlist conversion
Notice: If you have a wantlist file version NIEM 2.1 and you want to upgrade to the latest version which is NIEM 3.0-with-domain-updated, the tool will migrate the file into the NIEM 2.1-with-domain-updated first, and you will take this wantlist file verison NIEM 2.1-with-domain-updated and continue upload to migrate to the next version. You need to repeat this step until you have the latest wanlist, the latest subset, and the status report.
Migration Assistance Tool: http://tools.niem.gov/niemtools/migration/index.iepd
Magic Draw - Cameo NIEM Plugin Tool can implement the complete NIEM-UML specification with specific enhancements to make modeling for information exchange easier and more effective. NIEM-UML offers a standards-based means to reduce the time, cost, and learning curve of sharing information with NIEM. The Magicdraw implementation provides modeling support for NIEM and can forward and reverse engineer 100% NIEM-conformant IEPDs and reference schema. Once in NIEM-UML, NIEM information models are more easily managed and more intuitive for stakeholders.
For more information on this tool, please click on the links below.
Magic Draw - Cameo NIEM Plugin Tool
Creating a NIEM IEPD with NIEM-UML using Cameo NIEM Plugin Tool
Modeling Properties And Associations In NIEM-UML
NIEM-UML Subsetting and Extension
On September 23, 2014, NIEM hosted a Virtual Town Hall. More than 130 community members joined us to hear presentations from a Best of NIEM 2014 winner and updates from representatives of the Emergency Management Domain, as well as to participate in the question and answer session.
NIEM hosted its second annual NIEM in November event on Tuesday, November 4, 2014. NIEM in November was a half-day event filled with presentations, round tables, and discussions highlighting the community's hard work and success. Hosted at National Defense University and live-streamed on NIEM.gov, the event had attendees and presenters from across the United States and beyond.
Resource Links:
In 2004, the Office of Justice Programs, Bureau of Justice Assistance, US Department of Justice, engaged the IJIS Institute to update the existing GJXDM-conformant AMBER Alert Information Exchange Package Documentation (IEPD), to make it consistent with best practices of GJXDM development, and to update it to version 3.0.2 of the GJXDM.
The IEPD is proposed as a baseline for developing a national standard for AMBER Alert message sets to promote the seamless sharing of AMBER Alert information and between jurisdictions and the technologies they employ.
The IEPD is available in the Justice Standards Clearinghouse at http://it.ojp.gov/default.aspx?area=implementationAssistance&page=1017&….
Base64 is an encoding mechanism used to represent binary data as text characters. Triplets of 8-bit octets are encoded as groups of four characters, each representing 6 bits of the source 24 bits. This is one way of enabling binary data to be included in a text (UTF-8) document, such as an XML document.
To include the PDF file binary data in the XML document, the PDF file would first have to be encoded in Base64 (using an API function that varies dependent on the development/target environment), and then put the resulting Base64 encoded data (which is really text characters at this point) between < BinaryObject.Base64 > and < /BinaryObject.Base64 >.
It is recommended that binary data (in the BinaryObject.Base64 element) be accompanied by a BinaryFormatText element, that contains a description of the type of binary data, so that a processing application understands how to interpret the data. It is further recommended that the standard IANA MIME media type descriptions be used for types covered by those descriptions; for example, PDF data would be designated by <BinaryFormatText>application/pdf</BinaryFormatText>.
The IANA MIME Media Types are defined here: http://www.iana.org/assignments/media-types/.
Extensible Markup Language, or ''XML,'' is an open standard base that allows agencies to exchange data, regardless of computer system or platform. XML defines the structure and meaning of data records through simple but carefully defined syntax rules and provides the common framework to facilitate cross-platform data exchange.
With XML, existing systems can remain in place, and the data is translated as it enters and exits each system without changing the meaning of the data or how it appears in the originating system.
XML is designed to transmit both data and the meaning of the data. It accomplishes this by being a markup language, a mechanism that identifies different structures within a document. Structured information contains both content (such as words, pictures, or video) and an indication of what role content plays, or its meaning. XML identifies different structures by assigning data "tags" to define both the name of a data element and the format of the data within that element. Elements are combined to form objects.
XML Tutorial: http://www.w3schools.com/XML/default.asp