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FY25 Invited to Apply – Office of Justice Programs Community Based Violence Intervention and Prevention Initiative (FY24 TTA)

Opportunity ID
Solicitation Status
Fiscal Year
Closing Date
Posting Date
Solicitation Type
Grants.gov Deadline
January 13, 2025, 11:59 pm Eastern
Application JustGrants Deadline
January 14, 2025, 8:59 pm Eastern

This opportunity seeks applications from FY24 training and technical assistance (TTA) providers to enhance expertise in the following areas: TTA network support and coordination, law enforcement engagement with community violence intervention (CVI) programs, and strategic communications. Additionally, it seeks one intermediary from Category 4 of the FY24 Office of Justice Programs Community Based Violence Intervention Initiative (CVIPI) to enhance CVI organizations. This organization will serve as a fiscal agent, tasked with identifying and providing intensive TTA, oversight, and subawards for up to five community-based organizations over the course of the project period.

Opportunity Categories:

  • Category 1: TTA Network Support and Coordination
  • Category 2: Law Enforcement Engagement TTA
  • Category 3: Strategic Communications
  • Category 4: CVIPI for Capacity Building for Community-Based Organizations via Intermediary Organizations

Eligible Applicants:

  • This funding opportunity is exclusively for those who received an invitation letter to apply.

See the Notice of Funding Opportunity for additional opportunity details and directions on how to apply.

Date Created: January 3, 2025