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Adult Treatment Court Program

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Drug Treatment Courts Flyer, Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA), National Institute of Justice, and Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention. Updated annually, this brief presents an overview of treatment courts across the country.

Adult Treatment Court Best Practice Standards, All Rise. The second edition of the Standards incorporates best practices discerned over the past decade in a range of adult treatment court models, addresses frequently asked questions from the field, builds on the experiences and observations of All Rise faculty and audiences, and provides in-depth commentary and practical tips to help programs implement best practices in their day-to-day operations.

Defining Drug Courts: The Key Components, BJA-Sponsored, NADCP, January 2004. The key components provide the foundation for the successful operation of a drug court program.

Tribal Healing to Wellness Courts: The Key Components, BJA-Sponsored, Tribal Law and Policy Institute, April 2003. This publication is organized around 10 key components, adapted for Indian Nations and tribal justice systems, which describe the basic elements that define Tribal Healing to Wellness Courts. The purpose of each key component is explained, followed by several recommended practices that give guidance for implementing each component.

The 10 Essential Elements of Opioid Courts, BJA-Sponsored, Center for Court Innovation, 2019. The purpose of this publication is to help court planners develop opioid intervention courts that incorporate the best knowledge currently available, while following a consistent model that can be evaluated and refined for the benefit of the field as a whole.

Tribal Healing to Wellness Courts: Case Management, BJA-Sponsored, Tribal Law and Policy Institute, May 2018. This resource is designed to provide tribal healing to wellness courts and their staff a guide to effective case management and the case manager role.

Tribal Healing to Wellness Courts: Treatment Guidelines (2nd Edition), BJA-Sponsored, Tribal Law and Policy Institute, November 2017. This resource provides tribal communities with an overview of Western substance use treatment strategies, drawing upon drug court standards and best practices, and the experiences of hundreds of tribal and state adult and juvenile drug courts.


National Treatment Court TTA Partners

All Rise
Founded as the National Association of Drug Court Professionals, All Rise provides hundreds of training events each year and offers a suite of e-learning options.

Center for Justice Innovation
The Center for Justice Innovation creates operating programs to test new ideas and solve problems, performs original research to determine what works (and what does not), and provides expert assistance to justice reformers around the world.

National Treatment Court Resource Center (NTCRC)
Managed by the University of North Carolina Wilmington, the NDCRC mission is to equip the drug court field with a wide variety of open and accessible resources and research, helping treatment courts run more effectively.

Treatment Court Institute
Formerly known as the National Drug Court Institute, the Treatment Court Institute was formed in response to a need for standardized, evidence-based training and technical assistance as a result of the rapid expansion of problem-solving courts across the United States.

Tribal Healing to Wellness Courts
The Tribal Law and Policy Institute works under a grant program to provide training and technical assistance to tribal healing to wellness courts.

Date Modified: January 24, 2024
Date Created: December 13, 2019