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BJA Tribal Consultation


The purpose of the annual Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA) Tribal Consultation with Tribal Leaders and Authorized Tribal Designees is to identify criminal justice policy issues and tribal priorities that support tribal justice strategies in order to achieve safer communities. The ultimate goals are to improve law enforcement and public safety in tribal communities and native villages and support grant administration and criminal justice policy development that help local, state, and tribal law enforcement in achieving safer communities.

Both virtual sessions will be streamed live over the internet and require prior registration. We will email information about joining the sessions to registered participants prior to the session(s).

Past Sessions

2021 Sessions and Materials

Tribal leaders are invited to both sessions. Other tribal stakeholders are also invited to participate, including tribal justice practitioners, grantees, evaluators/researchers, statisticians, tribal organizations, nonprofit organizations working on tribal issues, and representatives from tribal, federal, state, and local governments working on public safety in tribal communities and villages.

If time permits, stakeholders may provide remarks during the Tribal Consultation Virtual Session's facilitated question-and-answer section. All participants are welcome to listen and submit questions or comments for discussion purposes.

Both sessions are closed to the press.

Pre-consultation Session: Overview of BJA Tribal Justice Program Funding Webinar
Date: Wednesday, August 25, 2021
Time: 1:00 – 3:00 p.m. ET
During this webinar session, BJA will provide information on tribal justice funding and programs, and we will preview questions that will be posed during the upcoming Tribal Consultation Virtual Session on September 15.

BJA Tribal Consultation Virtual Session
Date: Wednesday, September 15, 2021
Time: 1:00 – 3:00 p.m. ET
During this session, BJA will hear from tribal leaders, tribal designees, and other stakeholders to help inform how Tribal Assistance funds and programs can best support tribal communities and native villages. The priority areas on which we will focus include: comprehensive justice systems planning, tribal justice facilities, court system enhancements, alcohol and substance abuse programs, civil and criminal legal assistance, alternatives to incarceration, addressing violent crime in tribal communities and villages, and other priorities. By identifying and clarifying these priorities, the session will result in more efficiently targeting the delivery of needed grant funding, which, in turn, will enhance the safety and security in tribal communities and Alaska Native villages.

Tribal leaders are invited to both sessions. Other tribal stakeholders are also invited to participate, including tribal justice practitioners, grantees, evaluators/researchers, statisticians, tribal organizations, nonprofit organizations working on tribal issues, and representatives from tribal, federal, state, and local governments working on public safety in tribal communities and villages.

If time permits, stakeholders may provide remarks during the Tribal Consultation Virtual Session's facilitated question-and-answer section. All participants are welcome to listen and submit questions or comments for discussion purposes.

Both sessions are closed to the press.

Pre-consultation Session: Overview of BJA Tribal Justice ProgramBJA Virtual Tribal Consultation Session

August 25, 2021:

September 15, 2021:

2019 Sessions and Materials

Virtual Tribal Stakeholder Preparatory SessionVirtual Tribal Consultation Session

March 13, 2019:

Note: Due to technical difficulties, the recording and transcripts was corrupted and a transcript is not available for the Tribal Stakeholder Preparatory Session.

March 26, 2019:

Note: BJA Leadership declared this event a “Tribal Consultation Session” but materials will read “Listening Session.”

Date Modified: April 30, 2024
Date Created: August 13, 2021