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Justice and Mental Health Collaboration Program (JMHCP)

FY25 Funding Available


Advancing the Work of Peer Support Specialists in Behavioral Health-Criminal Justice Programming
July 2021. The Council of State Governments Justice Center interviewed peers who work with three Justice and Mental Health Collaboration grantee programs to better understand how to overcome challenges. This brief highlights four key strategies gleaned from these interviews, that can be used to advance the work of peer support specialists.

Justice and Mental Health Collaboration Program Overview
April 2021. This overview highlights successes of the program since 2006, provides links to resources that communities can use at various intercepts in the criminal justice system, and showcases two counties that have used JMHCP grant funding to improve their efforts.

Justice and Mental Health Collaboration Program Implementation Science Checklist Series
March 2021. This checklist series is intended for professionals who direct and oversee programming in the fields of corrections, community corrections, behavioral health, and social service agencies. The collection of checklists will help you assess your agency’s evidence-based practice implementation efforts and use a research-based approach to ensure that investments in evidence-based practices yield desired outcomes.

Justice & Mental Health Collaboration Program
December 2019. This brief gives an overview of BJA's Justice and Mental Health Collaboration Program which seeks to improve responses to people with mental illnesses who are involved in the criminal justice system. It provides an overview of annual BJA grant awards under the program and highlights how select agencies are using funds.

How to Reduce Repeat Encounters: A Brief for Law Enforcement Executives
December 2019. This guide provides four steps to address the needs of the people law enforcement officers frequently encounter, known as high utilizers, while reducing their contact with the criminal justice system over time.

Sharing Behavioral Health Information: Tips and Strategies for Police-Mental Health Collaborations
October 2019. This brief provides practical strategies communities can use to safely and legally share behavioral health information to improve outcomes for people in their communities.

Police-Mental Health Collaborations: A Framework for Implementing Effective Law Enforcement Responses for People Who Have Mental Health Needs
April 2019. This resource highlights a framework released by the Council of State Governments Justice Center to help law enforcement agencies across the country better respond to the growing number of calls for service they receive involving people with mental health needs.

Program Brief: Justice and Mental Health Collaboration Program
August 2018. This program brief provides an overview of the JMHCP which supports cross-system collaboration among law enforcement and behavioral health providers to improve responses and outcomes for people who have mental illnesses or co-occurring mental illness and substance abuse who come into contact with the justice system.

Fact Sheet: Overview of Law Enforcement-Mental Health Resources
August 2018. This fact sheet provides an overview of the Law Enforcement-Mental Health Learning Sites, which were established in an effort to expand the knowledge base for law enforcement agencies interested in developing or enhancing a comprehensive police-mental health collaboration.

Resource List -- Justice and Mental Health Initiatives: Resources and Publications to Improve State and Local Systems in Cross-System Collaboration
August 2018. This resource highlights BJA-funded online tools, publications, and resources intended to provide information on ways to improve the efforts of state and local systems to reduce recidivism and the number of people in correctional facilities who have behavioral health needs.

Performance Update: Justice and Mental Health Collaborative Grant Program Accomplishments, October 2011-December 2015
February 2017. This resource provides background information about the JMHCP, JMHCP funding levels, and program accomplishments for October 2011 to December 2015.

Justice and Mental Health Collaboration Program (JMHCP): Promoting Innovative Cross-System Collaboration
January 2017. This resource provides an overview of the JMHCP and highlights how the JMHCP can help states, local governments, and federally recognized Indian tribes improve responses to and outcomes for individuals with mental illnesses or co-occurring mental health and substance use disorders who come into contact with the justice system.

Justice and Mental Health Collaboration Program (JMHCP) - Law Enforcement Grants: Promoting Police and Mental Health Collaborations
January 2017. This resource provides an overview of the JMHCP and highlights the new JMHCP track to support planning efforts that will launch or improve police and mental health collaborations with the goal of improving law enforcement responses to people experiencing mental health crises.

Justice and Mental Health Collaboration Program (JMHCP) Annual Report - Fiscal Year 2013
September 2014. This report presents an overview of the grant activities of JMHCP grantees during FY 2013.

Adults with Behavioral Health Needs under Correctional Supervision: A Shared Framework for Reducing Recidivism and Promoting Recovery
September 2012. This white paper presents a shared framework for reducing recidivism and behavioral health problems among individuals under correctional control or supervision—that is, for individuals in correctional facilities or who are on probation or parole. The paper is written for policymakers, administrators, and practitioners committed to making the most effective use of scarce resources to improve outcomes for individuals with behavioral health problems who are involved in the corrections system.

Improving Responses to People with Mental Illnesses: Tailoring Law Enforcement Initiatives to Individual Jurisdiction
2010. This document explores the program design process for a variety of Specialized Policing Response models—including crisis intervention teams, law enforcement/mental health co-response teams, and case management approaches—that take into account such factors as jurisdiction size, demographics, mental health and law enforcement agency resources, and relevant state laws.

Date Modified: August 5, 2021
Date Created: December 13, 2019