On February 5, 2023, Firefighter Brendan Gaffney was working in Ladder Company 36 when they received an alarm for a fire at Sherman Avenue. Upon entering the lobby, residents reported a fire on the fifth floor. Fleeing tenants on the staircase reported trapped people in the fire apartment. Heavy smoke met Firefighter Gaffney and his fellow inside team members upon reaching the scene.
The fire apartment was identified, and Engine 95 was going to be delayed in getting a hose line into position due to an illegally parked vehicle. Ladder 36 inside team decided to aggressively search the fire area without the protection of the hose line to try to locate the reported trapped victims. At the end of the hallway in the apartment, the main fire area was encountered.
A firefighter removed a door to block some of the flames and used the extinguisher to hold back more heat and flames. This enabled Firefighter Gaffney to make an aggressive move past the fire area towards the bedroom. He located two unconscious victims on the bedroom floor and notified command via radio. Firefighter Gaffney removed the first victim past the fire area and into the hallway.
Firefighter Gaffney returned past the fire again to the rear bedroom where he began removal of the second unconscious victim. Upon passing the fire area, a door was being used as a heat shield and assisted in removal of the second victim. Firefighter Gaffney began CPR on the second victim until relieved by Engine Company 43, who in turn passed the victim on for care by EMS. Firefighter Gaffney’s courageous and decisive actions saved two lives from the grasp of a raging fire that night.
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