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An official website of the United States government, Department of Justice.

Sexual Assault Forensic Evidence – Inventory, Tracking, and Reporting (SAFE-ITR) Program

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About the Program

The Sexual Assault Forensic Evidence-Inventory, Tracking, Reporting (SAFE-ITR) Program provides funding for agencies to gain insight into the scope of unanalyzed sexual assault kits (SAKs) in their possession and to manage the SAKs’ workflow and status.

This program is designed for eligible agencies to inventory, track, and report the status of SAKs. As an integral part of these activities, applicants also are expected to identify and prioritize (for testing) SAKs for which prosecution of a perpetrator is soon to be barred by the expiration of an applicable statute of limitations. The SAFE-ITR Program will help defray costs associated with the following three tasks, as defined for purposes of this program:

  1. Inventory. The term “inventory” refers to a detailed and descriptive list of articles or items (for purposes of this funding opportunity, SAKs) containing information such as, but not limited to, item identifiers, quantity, and location of the item.
  2. Tracking. The term “tracking” refers to the monitoring and accounting of SAKs through the course, or path, of their movement from collection through to final disposition.
  3. Reporting. The term “reporting” refers to delivering a written report to the appropriate entity within the prescribed time period and with the applicable data. See below for reporting requirements.

Who is eligible to receive SAFE-ITR Program funding?

  • State governments
  • City orf township governments
  • County governments
  • American tribal organizations (other than federally recognized tribal governments)
  • American tribal governments (federally recognized)

Why is the SAFE-ITR Program so important?

Knowledge of the status of SAK evidence is crucial in combating violent crime and improving responses and services to America’s crime victims.

The SAFE-ITR Program’s end goal is to help agencies develop a standard of practice to address unsubmitted SAKs in their jurisdictions and to have a systematic and efficient process for SAK evidence tracking and reporting.

The program provides jurisdictions with the opportunity to learn about the strengths of their testing programs, while also identifying areas for improvement.

Date Created: June 14, 2022