Adult Treatment Court Program
Kerri Vitalo-Logan
Tracy Lee-Williams
Gemee Joyce
National Drug Court Institute (NDCI)
Tribal Healing to Wellness Courts
National Institute of Justice (NIJ): Drug Courts
National Treatment Court Resource Center (NTCRC)
The NTCRC mission is to equip the treatment court field with a wide variety of open and accessible resources and research, helping treatment courts run more effectively.
Justice Department is Awarding Almost $320 Million to Combat Opioid Crisis
View a fact sheet to learn about the FY 2018 awards made for BJA-specific programs, including the Comprehensive Opioid Abuse Site-based Program, Innovative Prosecution Solutions, Justice and Mental Health Collaboration Program, and others.
FY 2019 Adult Drug Court and Veterans Treatment Court Solicitation Webinar
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Adult Treatment Court Program
This program supports state, local, and tribal efforts to plan, implement, and enhance the operations of adult treatment courts, including tribal healing to wellness courts.