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An official website of the United States government, Department of Justice.

Grants.gov (website)

FY 2021 Restrictive Housing Reform Implementation Assistance Program Solicitation Released

The FY 2021 Restrictive Housing Reform Implementation Assistance Program funding opportunity is now available.

For this program BJA seeks a training and technical assistance (TTA) provider and subject matter experts to help state correctional agencies implement changes to their trainings, policies, and practices to reduce their use of restrictive housing.

The deadlines associated with this opportunity are as follows:

  • Grants.gov deadline: August 10, 2021, 11:59...

Second Chance Act Pay for Success Funding Available

The FY 2021 Second Chance Act Pay for Success Initiative funding opportunity is now available.

This program provides funding for state, local, and tribal governments to enhance or implement performance-based and outcomes-based contracts with reentry, permanent supportive housing, or recovery housing providers to reduce recidivism and address the substance use disorders impacting formerly incarcerated people.

The deadlines associated with this opportunity are as follows:

  • Grants.gov...