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Law Enforcement

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Law Enforcement

Building a P/CRCL Network

Police Executive Research Forum (PERF) — PERF is a nonprofit national membership police research organization of chief executives from police agencies throughout the United States and internationally. PERF provides management services, technical assistance, and executive-level education to support law enforcement agencies. PERF also helps to improve police services by encouraging strong national leadership; debate over police and criminal justice issues; and research and policy development.

Association of Law Enforcement Intelligence Units (LEIU) — LEIU is a nonprofit organization composed of local, state, and federal law enforcement agencies. The LEIU’s mission is to provide leadership and promote professionalism in the criminal intelligence community in order to protect public safety and constitutional rights. LEIU has established criminal intelligence standards for law enforcement and provides certificated training , evaluation and technical assistance for agencies with a criminal intelligence function.

Community Oriented Policing Service (COPS) — "COPS is the office of the U.S. Department of Justice that advances the practice of community policing in America’s state, local and tribal law enforcement agencies."


  • Local Law Enforcement’s Role in Preventing and Responding to Terrorism (October 2001) (6pp | 78kb | PDF) 

Criminal Intelligence Coordinating Council (CICC) — "The CICC is made up of members representing law enforcement and homeland security agencies from all levels of government and is an advocate for state, local, and tribal law enforcement and their efforts to develop and share criminal intelligence for the purpose of promoting public safety and securing the nation. The CICC operates at the policy level — setting priorities, directing research, and preparing advisory recommendations."

  • Law Enforcement Guidelines for First Amendment-Protected Events (December 2011) — "To support agencies as they fulfill their public safety responsibilities, the Criminal Intelligence Coordinating Council (CICC) developed this paper to provide guidance and recommendations to state and local law enforcement officers in understanding their role in First Amendment-protected events." (36pp | 3.5m | PDF)

Federal Law Enforcement Training Center (FLETC) — "The FLETC serves as an interagency law enforcement training organization for 90 Federal agencies. The FLETC also provides services to state, local, tribal, and international law enforcement agencies."

ICE–Secure Communities (ICE) — "Secure Communities is a simple and common sense way to carry out ICE's priorities. It uses an already-existing federal information-sharing partnership between ICE and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) that helps to identify criminal aliens without imposing new or additional requirements on state and local law enforcement. For decades, local jurisdictions have shared the fingerprints of individuals who are booked into jails with the FBI to see if they have a criminal record. Under Secure Communities, the FBI automatically sends the fingerprints to ICE to check against its immigration databases. If these checks reveal that an individual is unlawfully present in the United States or otherwise removable due to a criminal conviction, ICE takes enforcement action — prioritizing the removal of individuals who present the most significant threats to public safety as determined by the severity of their crime, their criminal history, and other factors — as well as those who have repeatedly violated immigration laws."

International Association of Law Enforcement Intelligence Analysts (IALEIA) — "IALEIA is the largest professional organization in the world representing law enforcement analysts. It is based in the United States, and is a non-profit 501(c)3 corporation. IALEIA is managed by an international Board of Directors consisting of nine elected IALEIA members. Several board members are also supported by volunteer committees. IALEIA also has an Executive Advisory Board appointed by the President. IALEIA supports regional chapters throughout the world. IALEIA has a certification program for analysts, a code of ethics, and bylaws that provide structure for the organization. We represent law enforcement analysts in a variety of venues, and provide an environment of community by establishing regional chapters."

International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP) — "The International Association of Chiefs of Police is the world's oldest and largest nonprofit membership organization of police executives, with over 20,000 members in over 100 different countries. IACP's leadership consists of the operating chief executives of international, federal, state and local agencies of all sizes."

  • IACP's Publications
  • The Police Chief — "The Police Chief is the premier business advertising medium in professional law enforcement."
  • Razing Expectations: Erecting A Strategic Vision for Fusion Centers (9pp | 484kb |PDF) — "Our recommendation to fusion centers nationwide is to revisit their business models to ensure that they are aligned in a manner that will embrace collaboration and information sharing to meet the demands of both the present and future. Then begin connecting and establishing relationships with diverse partners to share information needed to tackle the problems inherent to crime and homeland security."

Major Cities Chiefs Association (MCCA) — “MCCA membership is comprised of the Chiefs of the sixty-four largest police departments in the United States and Canada. The association serves these departments, and all of American law enforcement in the more general sense….”


Major County Sheriffs Association (MCSA) — “The Major County Sheriffs’ Association (MCSA) is a professional law enforcement association of elected sheriffs representing counties or parishes with 500,000 population or more.” “The MCSA is available to provide technical assistance in conjunction with the National Sheriffs’ Association, the Major Cities Chiefs, the Federal Bureau of Investigation Training Division, the National Executive Institute, and other private or public research entities.”

National Fusion Center Association (NFCA) — "[NFCA] represent[s] the interests of state and major urban area fusion centers, as well as associated interests of states, tribal nations, and units of local government, in order to promote the development and sustainment of fusion centers to enhance public safety; encourage effective, efficient, ethical, lawful, and professional intelligence and information sharing; and prevent and reduce the harmful effects of crime and terrorism on victims, individuals, and communities."

National Sheriffs Association (NSA) — The NSA is a non-profit professional association dedicated to serving the sheriff’s offices and its affiliates through police education, police training, and general law enforcement information resources. NSA represents thousands of sheriffs, deputies and other law enforcement, public safety professionals, and concerned citizens nationwide.

Police Executive Research Forum (PERF) — PERF is a nonprofit national membership police research organization of chief executives from police agencies throughout the United States and internationally.  PERF provides management services, technical assistance, and executive-level education to support law enforcement agencies.  PERF also helps to improve police services by encouraging strong national leadership; debate over police and criminal justice issues; and research and policy development.


  • Local Law Enforcement’s Role in Preventing and Responding to Terrorism (October 2001) (6 pp | 77kb | PDF)