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An official website of the United States government, Department of Justice.

Competitive solicitations

FY25 Harold Rogers Prescription Drug Monitoring Program Training and Technical Assistance Program

Closing Date
Grants.gov Deadline
Application JustGrants Deadline
This funding opportunity seeks to provide training and technical assistance to grantees and practitioners to support the use of state Prescription Drug Monitoring Programs to detect and prevent the diversion and misuse of pharmaceutically controlled substances such as opioids and other prescription drugs.

FY25 Byrne State Crisis Intervention Training and Technical Assistance Program

Closing Date
Grants.gov Deadline
Application JustGrants Deadline
This funding opportunity seeks to support training and technical assistance providers to support grantees funded through the FY22–23 and FY24 Byrne State Crisis Intervention Program (SCIP) Formula opportunities as well as future Byrne SCIP Formula opportunities.

FY25 Advancing Data in Corrections Initiative

Closing Date
Grants.gov Deadline
Application JustGrants Deadline
This funding opportunity seeks a training and technical assistance provider to bolster state correctional agencies’ capacity to use data to inform policy and operational decisionmaking through a combination of direct assistance, resources, and training.

FY25 Prison Rape Elimination Act (PREA) Training Curriculum for New Corrections Staff

Closing Date
Grants.gov Deadline
Application JustGrants Deadline
This opportunity will identify a cooperative agreement recipient to develop and deliver educational courses to provide new correctional staff an understanding of their requirements under the PREA Standards about how to prevent, detect, and respond to allegations of sexual abuse or sexual harassment of people in confinement settings.

Innovations in Reentry Funding Announced

BJA is seeking applications for funding through the FY 2020 Innovations in Reentry Initiative: Building System Capacity & Testing Strategies to Reduce Recidivism opportunity.