Competitive solicitations
FY 2020 Improving Community Supervision Outcomes Through Swift, Certain, and Fair Responses
FY 2020 Correctional Adult Reentry Education, Employment, and Recidivism Reduction Strategies (CAREERRS) Program
FY 2020 National Sexual Assault Kit Initiative (SAKI)
FY 2020 Second Chance Act Evaluation Participation Support
FY 2020 Second Chance Act Training and Technical Assistance Program
FY 2020 Improving Reentry for Adults with Substance Use Disorders Program
FY 2020 Reducing Injury and Death of Missing Individuals with Dementia and Developmental Disabilities Program
FY 2020 Adult Drug Court and Veterans Treatment Court Discretionary Grant Program
FY 2020 Comprehensive Opioid, Stimulant, and Substance Abuse Site-based Program (COSSAP)
FY 2020 Gulf States Law Enforcement Technology Initiative
FY 2020 Implementing the PREA Standards, Protecting Inmates, and Safeguarding Communities
FY 2020 Intellectual Property Enforcement Program: Protecting Public Health, Safety, and the Economy from Counterfeit Goods and Product Piracy
FY 2020 Northern and Middle States Rural Law Enforcement Training and Technical Assistance Grant Program
FY 2020 Upholding the Rule of Law and Preventing Wrongful Convictions Program
FY 2020 Public Safety Officers’ Benefits (PSOB) National Law Enforcement Survivor Support and National Firefighter and First Responder Survivor Support Program
Funding: Establishment of a National Center on Restorative Justice
Through the Establishment of a National Center on Restorative Justice FY 2019 opportunity, BJA seeks to fund an accredited university of higher education or an accredited law school for the purposes of establishing a National Center on Restorative Justice with the purpose of educating and training the next generation of justice leaders. Apply by: January 3, 2020.