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An official website of the United States government, Department of Justice.

Crime prevention

Byrne State Crisis Intervention Program (SCIP)

Byrne SCIP provides funding for the creation and/or implementation of state crisis intervention court proceedings, extreme risk protection order programs, and related gun violence reduction programs/initiatives.

FY 2022 Reimagining Justice: Testing a New Model of Community Safety

Closing Date
Grants.gov Deadline
Application JustGrants Deadline
This opportunity will fund the development and testing of a new or innovative approach to improving community safety and trust that is an alternative to traditional enforcement mechanisms for neighborhoods experiencing high rates of less serious and low-level criminal offenses.

FY 2022 Justice Information Sharing Training and Technical Assistance Program

Closing Date
Grants.gov Deadline
Application JustGrants Deadline
This opportunity provides funding to manage the Criminal Intelligence Systems Operating Policies (28 CFR Part 23) Training and Technical Assistance Program available to state, local, tribal, and territorial criminal justice agencies.

FY 2022 Field Initiated: Encouraging Innovation

Closing Date
Grants.gov Deadline
Application JustGrants Deadline
This program will provide funding to prevent and reduce crime and enhance the criminal justice system through innovative approaches that accelerate justice by identifying, defining, and responding to emerging or chronic crime problems and systemic issues using innovative approaches.

FY 2022 Law Enforcement National Initiatives to Improve Public Safety, Enhance Agency Operations via Training, Recruitment and Retention and Building Community Trust

Closing Date
Grants.gov Deadline
Application JustGrants Deadline
This opportunity will provide funding to create and implement training and technical assistance programs for criminal justice stakeholders that support local law enforcement and prosecutorial agencies in the development of violence reduction strategies, training of law enforcement officers, and implementation of ethical technological strategies that build digital trust and promote community engagement.