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An official website of the United States government, Department of Justice.

Local Law Enforcement Crime Gun Intelligence Center (CGIC) Integration Initiative

FY 2021 Local Law Enforcement Crime Gun Intelligence Center Integration Initiative Funding Available

The FY 2021 Local Law Enforcement Crime Gun Intelligence Center Integration Initiative funding opportunity is now available.

This program assists state, local, and tribal law enforcement with enhancing their investigative and prosecutorial resources to improve their ability to hold violent gun offenders accountable and reduce violent crime.

The deadlines associated with this opportunity are as follows:

  • Grants.gov deadline: June 30, 2021, 11:59 p.m. ET
  • JustGrants...

Opportunity Available for a CGIC Training and Technical Assistance Provider

BJA is seeking applications through the FY 2020 Law Enforcement National Initiative for Improving Investigations: Supporting State and Local Crime Gun Intelligence Centers Training and Technical Assistance opportunity.

The purpose of this solicitation is to call for applications for a provider that will deliver training and technical assistance to support Crime Gun Intelligence Center (CGIC) grantee sites and other jurisdictions looking to implement CGIC business practices...

Webinar: 2020 Crime Gun Intelligence Center (CGIC) Solicitation

Join BJA and the National Resource and Technical Assistance Center (NRTAC) team for a webinar on January 9, 2020, at 2 p.m. ET. During the webinar, the presenters will provide an overview of the forthcoming 2020 Crime Gun Intelligence Center (CGIC) solicitation.

This webinar will review eligibility, program essential elements, role and responsibilities of a CGIC, and much more. All law enforcement agency representatives and...

Project Guardian Launched


The Attorney General has announced the launch of Project Guardian, a new initiative designed to reduce gun violence and enforce federal firearms laws across the country. Project Guardian will serve as a complementary effort to Project Safe Neighborhoods and will help to ensure effective use of Crime Gun Intelligence Centers and other efforts.