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An official website of the United States government, Department of Justice.

Project Safe Neighborhoods (PSN)


Available Funding

There are no funding opportunities currently available through this program.


Eligible applicants for funding through the Project Safe Neighborhoods (PSN) program are PSN team fiscal agents for the federal judicial districts. All fiscal agents must be certified by the relevant district’s United States Attorney (USA). Eligible USA-certified fiscal agents include states, units of local government, educational institutions, faith-based and other community organizations, private nonprofit organizations (including tribal nonprofits), and federally recognized American Indian tribal governments (as determined by the Secretary of the Interior).

See U.S. Attorney Certification Process for the Fiscal Agent and Subrecipients for details on the fiscal agent certification process. BJA recommends that districts select their current PSN fiscal agent, or consider using the State Administering Agency (SAA) for DOJ funding because SAAs can better leverage state resources to assist in the implementation of the district's PSN initiative. SAAs have experience in administering competitive funding processes and have established policies and procedures to manage and monitor grant subawards. Visit the OJP site for a list of SAAs.

Date Modified: January 22, 2025
Date Created: February 20, 2012