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An official website of the United States government, Department of Justice.

Project Safe Neighborhoods (PSN)

FY25 Funding Available

Publications & Performance Reports

Project Safe Neighborhoods (PSN): Blueprint for Success, May 2021. This resource provides background information about PSN, how to build a strong PSN initiative, design elements, and training and technical assistance services.

Disrupting the Cycle of Violence: Prosecuting Domestic Violence Offenders in Possession of a Firearm, May 2020. This brief describes the efforts of the U.S. Attorney’s Office of a Western District of Oklahoma in designing and implementing a strategy of PSN that prosecutes “domestic violence-derived” cases of violent crime by enforcing federal gun laws that prohibit specific individuals from possessing firearms or ammunition.

Project Safe Neighborhoods: One Year Progress Report, March 2019. This report highlights elements of the PSN strategy, the status of implementation across the country, recent successes, and resources to support PSN programs.

Project Safe Neighborhoods (PSN): Research Foundation, November 2018. This report provides summaries of evaluations of Project Safe Neighborhoods (PSN) and programs similar to PSN. The evaluations have been selected from CrimeSolutions.gov, publicly available reports, and academic journals.

Common Components of Successful PSN Strategies, November 2018. This resource contains guidelines for and components a United States Attorney's Office should consider implementing when devising a comprehensive Project Safe Neighborhoods strategy.

IACP Project Safe Neighborhoods -- eTrace: Internet-Based Firearms Tracing and Analysis, August 2016. This fact sheet focuses on eTrace, a web-based application that tracks recovered firearms from the manufacturer or importer, to the wholesaler or retailer, to an unlicensed purchaser.

IACP Project Safe Neighborhoods: Firearms in the Home, September 2016. This fact sheet presents information and data on firearms in homes and efforts to promote the safe storage of such firearms.

IACP Project Safe Neighborhoods -- Firearms Violence: Scope of the Issue, September 2016. This fact sheet presents information and data on firearm violence and efforts to prevent such violence.

IACP Project Safe Neighborhoods: National Integrated Ballistic Information Network (NIBIN), September 2016. This fact sheet provides information about the National Integrated Ballistic Information Network, which was formed to establish an automated method to capture ballistic evidence from firearms crimes and digitally compare it to similar evidence from other crimes.

IACP Project Safe Neighborhoods: Police-Corrections Partnerships, September 2016. This resource brief highlights the importance and benefits of police-corrections partnerships and how they can be used to prevent new offenses by the members of the community who are most likely to commit crimes.

IACP Project Safe Neighborhoods: Witness Intimidation in the Era of Social Media, September 2016. This policy brief provides information about witness intimidation, how social media has changed the way suspects interact with potential witnesses, and what law enforcement can do to try to stop such intimidation.

Promising Strategies for Violence Reduction: Lessons From Two Decades of Innovation (Project Safe Neighborhoods Case Study 13). This Project Safe Neighborhoods (PSN) Case Study describes key elements of promising interventions that have been shown to prevent and reduce levels of crime and violence at the local level.

Date Modified: May 24, 2021
Date Created: December 13, 2019