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Body-worn cameras

FY 2023 Body-Worn Camera Policy and Implementation Program Training and Technical Assistance (BWC-TTA) and Supporting Small, Rural, and Tribal Law Enforcement Agency Body-Worn Camera Policy and Implementation Program (SRT-BWC)

March 2023
Held February 27, 2023, this webinar provided details about the FY 2023 Body-Worn Camera Policy and Implementation Program Training and Technical Assistance and FY 2023 Supporting Small, Rural, and Tribal Law Enforcement Agency Body-Worn Camera Policy and Implementation Program opportunities and how to apply.

Funding Available to Purchase Body-Worn Cameras

The FY 2021 Body-Worn Camera Policy and Implementation Program to Support Law Enforcement Agencies funding opportunity is now available.

This opportunity provides funding to law enforcement agencies seeking to purchase body-worn cameras (BWCs) to establish or expand comprehensive body-worn camera programs with a specific and demonstrated plan to implement this technology to maximize the benefits of BWCs.

The deadlines associated with this opportunity are as follows:

  • Grants.gov...

New Research on Body-Worn Cameras

May 2015

This video captures the presentations of several speakers. Jennifer Wood, Associate Professor at Temple University, presents key findings from a pilot evaluation of the Philadelphia Police Department's use of body-worn cameras (BWC) in one of the districts. During his presentation, Michael White, Professor at Arizona State University, focuses on available BWC resources and research. And, Daniel Lawrence from the Urban Institute spoke about the Institute's evaluation of BWC.