Domestic violence
Solicitation Available: Tribal Justice System Infrastructure TTA Initiative
New Research on Body-Worn Cameras
This video captures the presentations of several speakers. Jennifer Wood, Associate Professor at Temple University, presents key findings from a pilot evaluation of the Philadelphia Police Department's use of body-worn cameras (BWC) in one of the districts. During his presentation, Michael White, Professor at Arizona State University, focuses on available BWC resources and research. And, Daniel Lawrence from the Urban Institute spoke about the Institute's evaluation of BWC.
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Episode 61: Midwestern Spotlight – Wichita Police Department
Episode 27: Juvenile Advocacy Perspective (Part 2)
Episode 26: Juvenile Advocacy Perspective (Part 1)
Empirically Examining the Risk of Intimate Partner Violence: The Revised Domestic Violence Screening Instrument (DVSI-R)
Demonstrates the concurrent and predictive validity of the DVSI-R and tests whether the levels of validity are sustained independent of demographics and forms of intimate violence.
2020 Tribal Probation Academy
Creating an Animal Abuse Task Force: How Law Enforcement Can Work with Local Resources to Investigate and Prosecute Crimes (Webinar)
Enhancing Judicial Skills in Domestic Violence Cases Workshop
Austin, TX
Domestic Violence Multi-Disciplinary Conference
Phoenix(Mesa), AZ
Rapid Rehousing for Domestic Violence Victims: Examining Two Approaches (Webinar)
National Association of Medical Examiners Annual Meeting
Kansas City, MO
Domestic Violence High Risk Teams Expert Q&A Webinar
Bronx Domestic Violence March
The Bronx, NY
Enhancing Judicial Skills in Domestic Violence Cases Workshop
Valencia, CA
JAG Funding Supports Ohio Domestic Violence Shelter
The emergency domestic violence shelter run by the YWCA in Lucas County, Ohio, can provide safe housing for up to 46 people. On any given day, the shelter is generally at or over capacity.
“When somebody leaves, somebody else is coming in,” according to Sandee Quarles, Coordinator of Support Services at the shelter.
For more than 37 years, the shelter has provided refuge for women...