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An official website of the United States government, Department of Justice.

Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) Program


The JAG Program is authorized by Title I of Public Law No. 90-351 (generally codified at 34 U.S.C. 10151-10726), including subpart 1 of part E (codified at 34 U.S.C. 10151-10158); see also 28 U.S.C. 530C (a).


FY24 JAG Information:

FY 2023 JAG Information:

FY 2022 JAG Information:

FY 2021 JAG Information:

FY 2020 JAG Information:

FY 2019 JAG Information:

FY 2018 JAG Information:

  • FY 2018 State and Local allocations (eligibility information)
  • FY 2018 State and Local Certifications and Assurances by the Chief Executive of the Applicant Government

FY 2017 JAG Information:

FY 2016 JAG Information:

FY 2015 JAG Information:

FY 2014 JAG Information:

FY 2013 JAG Information:

FY 2012 JAG Information:

FY 2011 JAG Information:

FY 2010 JAG Information:

FY 2009 JAG Information:

American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) Solicitations JAG Information:

FY 2008 JAG Information:

FY 2007 JAG Information:

FY 2006 JAG Information:

FY 2005 JAG Information:

Fact Sheets and Reports

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Prohibited and Controlled Expenditure Guidance

Variable Pass-Through Information (VPT)

State Administering Agencies (SAA) are required to use this VPT data in the administration of all JAG awards. Please refer to the JAG VPT page for updated information and click the web link that corresponds to the appropriate JAG Fiscal Year award. Additional information on VPT requirements can be found within the JAG FAQs.

Date Modified: October 24, 2024
Date Created: December 9, 2019