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Body-Worn Camera Toolkit

Most studies on body-worn cameras (BWC) and leaders that have implemented programs in their jurisdiction highlight the need for comprehensive written policies prior to launching a BWC program. Although the policies should allow for flexibility as the program and technology evolve, it is critical that officers, key stakeholders, and the public at large define and have access to clear and consistent guidelines that address when and how video is captured, when the video is viewed and discarded, and with whom and under what circumstances the video is used and shared. Beyond these operational and privacy considerations, agencies must also adopt protocols that provide for system security and equipment sustainability.

In this section, you will find local- and state-authored policies and resources as well as broader recommendations and model policies.

BWC Podcast Series

For more about these topics, please check out the BWC Podcast Series.

Go to the Podcasts

Subject Matter Experts Share

Featured Resources

NIJ Primer

NIJ BWC Primer

NLECTC published a primer that answers basic questions about body-worn cameras and implementation issues

Read the Primer

10 limitations of body cams you need to know for your protection

10 Limitations of Body Cameras

The Force Science Institute describes limitations to police-worn body cameras for consideration when developing policy, protocols, and training

Read the Paper

Police Officer Body-Worn Cameras

Study Assesses Evidence

OJP Diagnostic Center publishes an assessment of the evidence to inform conversations about the impact, perceived benefits, and important considerations of using police-worn body cameras

Read the Report

Expert Panel

BJA Expert Panel

Justice professionals representing law enforcement, courts, prosecution, public defense, labor organizations, and advocates for privacy, victims, and juveniles initiated Toolkit discussions

Read the discussions